Structure of a scientific article
IMRAD gồm những gì?
Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion
The reseach question
The importance of the study
Begin with a topic sentece (inverted pyramid)
Brief summary of the issue or public health problem
concise review of pertinent literature
Study approach (one sentece)
What will your article add?
Keep this brief with front-loading
How you address youru study question
How, what, when, and where
Recipe that others can repeat
type of study design; describe the intervention
data source
outcomes to be measured
describle analysis
statistical tests
Ethical aproval
Detail individual included and excluded
Demographic charateristics of the study groups
Result of analyses
Statistical significance, point estimates, and variability (confidence intervals)
Table and figures
Consider supplemental digital content for online posting
Report, but do not interpret the results or editorialize
The point or “so what” of the study
compare finding with previous literature
Limitations: possible problems with the methods used
Recommendataion for action
Recommendations for further study
Research Gap types and explain
Types of Research Gaps
(a) Evidence Gap; (Contradictory Evidence Gap)
(b) Knowledge Gap; (Knowledge Void Gap)
(c) Practical-Knowledge Conflict Gap; (ACtion-Knowledge Conflict Gap)
(d) Methodological Gap; (Methods and Research desgin Gap)
(e) Empirical Gap; and (Evaluation Void Gap)
(f) Theoretical Gap; (Theory Application Void Gap)
(g) Population Gap. (Population Gap)